How to deal with gym closures.

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The covid19 pandemic has caused gyms across the world to close their doors.

Here’s my thoughts on how to handle the situation.

I can’t speak for every country but as far as the Irish government is concerned this will not be something that blows over anytime soon. With many countries already talking about extending the Easter lockdown deadline. If and even when the lockdown does end there are no guarantees that your gym will be open for business.

It’s time to start thinking of a long term solution. My opinion: Pull the trigger, buy up some affordable gym equipment to get you through the time being. When the situation is looking better you can always sell it on again down the line. If like me your gym membership payments have ceased you can always use this extra cash towards the investment.

What do you need? This will be very much individual, same goes for budget. I do not recommend spending beyond your means on top quality stuff unless that’s within you budget. For me this looked like a set of adjustable dumbbells, a barbell, a small cheap bench, a selection of plates and a punchbag. Yours might be as simple as a half decent pair of running shoes or some cheap resistance bands.

Bear in mind that this thing could go on for months and there are only so many baked bean tin curls and dog squats you can do. The sooner you pick up some equipment the sooner your investment starts paying off. Change workout plans as necessary and weather the storm until it’s over.

Q) But I’m broke bro.

A) I hear you and I’ve been there. Think second hand, think yard sale, think Craig’s list and done deal. My first pair of proper running shoes were a second hand pair I picked up on an adverts website (the guy was selling them because his girlfriend bought him the wrong size) they did for me like 3 years before falling apart but set me on the path to being a marathon finisher.

Do not spend beyond your means. We may be entering a financial shit show the likes of which we have never seen before and nobody should be carrying more debt into that show than is absolutely necessary.

Stuck for space? Deadlift in the kitchen, squat on your balcony, bench press on your ironing board. Now is the time to get creative.

To be clear: I think closing down non essential businesses was absolutely the right call to make but we just need to find a short term solution to the current situation.

Remember: it is easier to maintain muscle mass through some sort stimulation than it is to build it in the first place.

✅Do not wait for this to blow over.

✅Do not shop beyond your means.

✅It’s not forever but it is for now.

Stay safe and healthy,


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